EPA bans sale of pesticide that’s toxic to honey bees – Los Angeles Times


EPA bans sale of pesticide that’s toxic to honey bees

It’s the end of the line for sulfoxaflor, a pesticide used on a wide array of produce, but that has been found to be toxic to honey bees that are crucial to pollination of crops. The federal Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday officially …and more »

Honey Nut Cheerios Living Billboard Filled With Bees – PSFK (blog)

Billboard with bee hives integrated


PSFK (blog)Honey Nut Cheerios Living Billboard Filled With BeesPSFK (blog)Honey Nut Cheerios is celebrating its real honey ingredient with a living billboard home to more than 100,000 honeybees. The three-story free-standing structure features the words “Made with Real Honey,” spelled out using the honey produced from …

Beekeeping: Learning how to use wax the hard way – Yorkshire Post


Yorkshire PostBeekeeping: Learning how to use wax the hard way. There’s plenty of evidence that for much of history beekeepers were every bit as interested in the wax that bees produce as they were in any honey crop. Honey was a nice luxury, a very valuable preservative and an important antiseptic. Wax was close to …

Scientists discover that male bumblebees are the worker bees rather than females – Western Daily Press


Western Daily PressScientists discover that male bumblebees are the worker bees rather than femalesWestern Daily PressThe female of the species may think they do all the work, but now scientists have discovered that males are just as good at multi-tasking – at least in bumblebees. Female worker bees perform all the labour such as, cleaning the hive, defending the …